Program Options
JCS offers both Home Study and Academy options. We are one school, with many programs, designed to meet the needs of the students we serve.
Program Options
JCS offers both Home Study and Academy options. We are one school, with many programs, designed to meet the needs of the students we serve. Not sure which program is right for your student? Learn more about our different options below and then review our checklist for choosing a program that’s right for your child.
Home Study and Learning Centers
Students in the Home Study Program are divided into two main groups, kindergarten through eighth grade (K-8) and high school (9-12). For K-8 students, daily instruction is provided by the parent-teacher under the supervision of an educational facilitator from JCS. K-8 students may also receive instruction one day a week at a learning center, take online classes, or elect to use vendor funds for instruction from one of the JCS vendors. At the 9-12 level, the Home Study Program includes three options – the portfolio program whereby parents / guardians design the students’ course of study with the assistance of an educational facilitator (similar to the K-8 program described above), the specialist program where the curriculum is designed by a highly qualified teacher and overseen by an educational facilitator in conjunction with the parent-teacher, and the INSITE program whereby a teacher designs and supports the students’ educational program. The primary difference between the various home study programs is who is directing the students’ daily instruction – their parent / guardian or an educational facilitator from JCS. High school home study students also have the option to participate in group instruction at a JCS Academy.
The INSITE program offers JCS high school students an independent study option which provides daily support from teachers who are able to work with each student’s strengths.
Academy Program
Students in the Academy Program are also divided into two main groups, K-8 academies and 6-12 academies. Students at JCS’s K-8 academies are taught by a teacher less than 80% of the time and by a parent-teacher 20% or more of the time. The academies all have a project based focus. At the 6-12 academies, student instruction ranges from two to four days a week, with all other instruction coming from the parent-teacher.
Within the Academy Program students are not required to attend instruction at a facility. The program functions similar to college or university whereby courses proceed according to a syllabus and students may attend group instruction, but attendance is not required. Student attendance in the Academy Program, like all students at JCS, is accounted for based upon the time value of work produced, and not daily attendance at a facility.